Yeah! You know, that feeling you get when you are doing something you love, or you are witnessing an injustice or maybe you have experienced it watching someone else do something you secretly have been wanting to do.
Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is? You may not be able to figure it out yet, but if you pay attention and focus on what pulls on your heartstrings, what causes that burning sensation in your belly ( & not the food you ate last night) what situations have had the most impact or shaped who you are, you may be able to find it very easily. Think back over time when something happened that really inspired passion inside of you; maybe there was an event where someone showed great courage, or you found love doing something you never tried doing before, that feeling, the tingly feeling, the butterflies in the tummy feeling, the burning desire inside of you, that is called PASSION and passion precedes PURPOSE in your life. You literally cannot fulfill your purpose in life, if you do not have passion! - whatever makes YOU passionate is the driving force to discovering your PURPOSE.
Your "purpose" isn't always clear at first glance - so let's take some moments each day to focus on this to help define YOUR passion and ultimately your PURPOSE. We can start by committing to posting on social media or writing down something each day that brings us a sense of passion. I would love to encourage and keep you accountable, tag me in your posts and let's do this together and see where it takes us!