In Honor of My Momma - A Woman of Strength, Humor, and Adventure
Today I want to honor my momma. She was an extraordinarily strong woman who was funny, sarcastic, adventurous, and loved her family. Unfortunately, she was only on this earth for 52 years and 15 years of that was a battle to stay alive through kidney failure, heart attacks, bone disease, and basically the side effect of every procedure or medication she had to take. Despite all of that, she never complained and always found a way to make us laugh. I owe everything to her and I know that I get my strength and humor (& my looks) from her. She was truly one of a kind.
When I think about my mom, it always brings a smile to my face. She was the most resilient person that you would ever meet and she could take anything in stride with an attitude of humor on top! One memory stands out when she would take the clear plastic runner in the hallway and turn it upside down so when we could come out of the room we would step on the spikes. She would laugh so hard or when she would mop the floors really well then put a rug with no backing on it so when we came in we would slip and slide. She was a prankster for sure but don't get that twisted in her own little way she was pretty gangster. She once chased down a couple that stole her purse in the grocery store parking lot, and in my rebellious years as a teenager, she once got into a full high-speed car chase trying to track me down when I ran away and jumped into a strangers car and told them someone was chasing me, she never gave up on me.
Today would have been her 70th birthday. I wish she was here to celebrate, to see the legacy she created through her daughters and through our kids. The stories and traditions that we all still talk about and do.
I miss my momma every day but I am so grateful for the time I had with her. She was an amazing woman who taught me how to be strong, how to find humor in difficult situations, and how to live life adventurously. Today, I want to encourage all of you female entrepreneurs out there to find your own strength, humor, and adventure. And if you're ever feeling down or like you can't do something - just remember my momma and what she accomplished in her short but mighty life.
You Got This Boo!
Happy Birthday, Momma!
A Woman of Strength, Humor, and Adventure
September 24, 1952 - October 2, 2004
Laurie, as I sit here tonight and read all your stories, I am in awe to hear where you were to where you are now. From losing your mom so young, you have grown. Awesome. Keep going girl,, I know you will. I am so proud of you and your sister!
Love you both.❤️❤️ Aunt Sandy